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Covenants - Walk in the Light Vol. 4

First Edition, Page 175 Should read:
It must be clarified that Shemuel’s parents dwelled within the Tribal boundaries of Ephraim, Ramathaim Zophim of the mountains of Yisrael to be exact. (1 Shemuel 1:1). Nevertheless, Shemuel’s father was from the Tribe of Levi, descended from Kohath, Amminidab and Korah. (1 Chronicles 6). So even though Zuph was described as an Ephraimite, it appears to be referring to his geographical dwelling place rather than his tribal descendent.

The Redeemed - Walk in the Light Vol. 6

End Note #4

The proper transliteration for the name of the person often called Cain in the Scriptures is Qayin () and the proper transliteration for the name of the person often called Abel in the Scriptures is Hebel (). It is very interesting to view the sacrifices which were rendered by these two because it reveals a pattern which is repeated in Scriptures and shows us behavior which is pleasing and that which is displeasing to YHWH. We read in Beresheet that “in the process of time” they both provided an offering to YHWH. In the Hebrew we read miqetz yamiym () which literally means “in the end of days.” It seems clear that this was an Appointed Time when both knew that an offering was expected of them. The Scriptures reveal that Qayin brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to YHWH and Hebel ALSO brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat. In other words, Hebel brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to YHWH but he also brought the firstborn of his flock. The Hebrew word used for flock is tsone () which implies a goat or a lamb. I believe that this was likely the Appointed Time known as Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement. It is a specific day when a blood offering is to be made. Now many believe that the Appointed Times were created at Sinai but this is not supported by the Scriptures. I believe that the Torah and the patterns found within the feasts go back to the beginning. YHWH repeatedly tells us that He has declared the end from the beginning. (Yeshayahu 41:26, 46:10, 48). His patterns and His ways go all the way back to the beginning and are demonstrated through cycles – one of those cycles being harvests. Throughout the Scriptures we see the terms “in the beginning” (beresheet) referring to the beginning of a harvest or the firstfruits of a harvest and the term “in the end of days” (miqetz yamiym) referring to the end of that harvest. Many interpret this passage with Qayin and Hebel as if to show that raising animals was better than tilling the ground, but that has nothing to do with it. We see that Hebel offered his firstfruits while there was no mention of this for Qayin. Also note that the offering of Hebel involved blood while the offering of Qayin did not. Thus the offering of Qayin was not acceptable – it did not include blood and he did not receive atonement. As a result he was overtaken by sin and he ultimately did shed blood – the blood of his brother. This provides us with the patterns of Messiah’s fulfillment of the Passover.

Pagan Holidays - Walk in the Light Vol. 11

1. pg 197 — (line 10) “Month 1” should be “Month 7"

2. pg 268 — (second paragraph) the Greek did not come out in the book:

  • Should read: They were not permitted into the Feast because the Bridegroom does not know, and will not recognize, anyone working lawlessness (aÓnomi÷an) or unrighteousness (aÓdiki÷aß). (see Mattityahu 7:23; Luke 13:27).

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