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Update Rwanda

Shalom to you Brother Todd and yours.

It is my pleasure to once again write to after our mission trip to Rwanda. On behave of our Assembly, I should like to express our appreciation for your prayers and financial support that contributed greatly to the success of our trip.

Although we were unable to manage to proceed to Bundi, but we thank our Father Yah because it was his will that He opened a way to provide us with the resources to reach the brethren in Rwanda only and it will be his will to provide us with resources to go direct to Burundi and meet with brethren in the near future.

The attached photos were taken while in Rwanda and also in the meeting place in a Rwanda Assembly. We were able to meet with the brethren and I taught them the importance of observing the appointed times including the weekly Shabbat among other Shabbat. We came back home on Sunday and the trip was tiresome. It is a twenty four hour drive by Bus. The roads here in Africa are not good; there are alot of pot holls and bumpy. Traveling by Air is preferable but, it is $ 300 USD per and individual going and an other $ 300 USD coming back. You can see that two people transportation only is $ 1200 USD, food and accommodation not inclusive. Brother Todd, I know that getting money is not an easy task! But I always believe that YHWH will provide for resources whenever He intend to send us to serve Him wherever. We will alway glorify His Name while in His service.

Thank you very much once again and may Yah bless you all. Greetings to your dear Wife, Brother James and the other Brothers and Sisters.

Your Brother Thomas Musekenya

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