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May 20th, 2011 - Report from Uganda

Writer's picture: Shema YisraelShema Yisrael

(Compiled letters from Julius Ekomu)

Dear Todd,

The first thing I would like to do is to give thanks to you, your ministry and your family through the name of Yehushua… and Shalom to every one who loves Yehushua! Amen!

I have been waiting for your report about the photos. It is good to hear that you have already got them.

Now I want to tell you the truth about how I'm in this kind of YHWHs work. One thing which I can tell you my friends, salvation is personal, I am called alone, and my judgment I shall face it by my own. YHWH called Abraham, he was alone, then when he take off to live his own, he was with his wife Shara and Lot.

Why am I sharing this between you and me? We have to be the testimony for what Yehushua left for us to do, the burden you have, I too have the kind of burden, and it is YHWH who joined His people to work together to build the Kingdom of YHWH in the life of people.

And what I have gone through has given me to have more of the burden. I witness people; children, fatherless, widows and elder parents suffering — no one caring — people who have much to eat throw out to the dogs and in dustbins, with no thought of the pain of those who go without food. There are those who sleep in hotels, or in good houses, enjoying themselves, not minding what is happening outside the world! Many young ones are on the street, in the village… this what I want tell you today that children are cast away from their relatives and family, banned and send away, which results in them having to sleep in the bush, with much coldness, having nothing to cover with… this are the things happening today in most of the areas.

Todd, most of the time I was sick because of such things when I hear and see them happening. I have a lot to tell you friends, because I have moved in many places to go and conform what I hard and what I see. Even as I am writing to you now am feeling the great pain, many children are found in the bush when they have died, because of starvation… their are some photos I would have send to you, but they are so scarring.

We need your prayers and support. Those who can donate to us what they can to help with the suffering nation of children and others as I wrote in the above.

Let me talk about the church of today. Leaders are not willing to care for such people who are in need. Some christians try to bring those kind of children to their homes, over working them and giving them little to eat… most of the family work is loaded on them, O YHWH my you forgive! Where is the true church and the true Christians?

I pray help me. I have tryed to make a change and doing a lot to see that many come to know Yehushua the truth of TORAH. Torah is the reality you gave me to know it and I found what I have been seeking, now I can see the answer, Torah has given me to know who I am and how others people are.

Thank you Todd, as you said that there are some books you have. Please kindly may you send them, what can teach the church leaders, christian and to those who become confused. I believe they shall come to know the reality of the truth Torah. As I am a man of Torah today.

I have come to learn a lot about how we can do the work Yehushua has left to us. You gave me a book wich gives me to know how powerful the name of YHWH and what Yehushua is. Today, because of the changes, I can see and come to know that not all are called, there is still a lot to teach the church as christians and their leaders.

Todd and friends, our work is not easy, it takes a lot of time, not one day or month. That is why I request for your help dear friends.

I want talk about the help of support of the work over here in the way you have been sending your love offers!

According to the money you send… $500, again and again.

This how I used it:

  • Clothes

  • Bedsheets

  • Mosquito Nets

  • Food

  • Transport to go and buy food (using bike, cars, at time bus… and it cost a lot)

  • Accommodation

  • Meetings — which I mobilize to meet people, where we share the Torah (many questions they ask about the name of YHWH, and what happened that caused them to think the Torah changed)

  • Feeding people who come for the teaching

Most of the money it does a lot to help the Fatherless children.

Let my friends, brothers and the ministry to know that am willing, ready to do what the Torah is saying. In case of some people who love to help the work of YHWH in East Africa, am waiting. Every area when I go, I sit down with Two to Five people and share with them about Torah. I am blessed and favored.

May YHWH in the name of Yehushua bless those who are willing to support and donate the work of Yehushua through the Torah.

Your support can help me continue to do something to reach to many more families… visiting and comforting.

May YHWH bless Todd all friends in families and ministry, O YHWH shine on their face, and give them the joy and Shalom.

Julius Ekomu Eastern Region of Uganda

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