Shallom Brother Todd,
Greetings from Integrity's Family,
It was nice talking with you on phone the other time. I'm glad to inform you that I received the Shofar today, in fact, I don't know how to express the joy and gratitude to YAH and to you for yielding youself as the vessel that Y'shua use to provide the Shofar for us. We are all glad and happy, now we can blow the Shofar, and really blow it and blow it and experience His presence like never before, especially during the Feast of Yom Teruah - The Feast of Trumpets (Lev.23;24). What a pratical excounter and experience in our days! It's just like the Bible days, beloved, thanks a million! You are making the Scriptures real to us like it was in the Bible days. Thanks for being there for us and thanks for helping to reveal YAH to us in a more practical way. We are indeed very grateful for your love and concern, we are blessed having our Shofar now.
I was also glad hearing about the Isreal trip. I will be happy to be in Isreal with your family to have that encounter, what a privilege that will be. I will be looking forward to hearing from you about the trip.
Brother Todd, we need more Bibles for our next trip to Anambra state. Anambra state is the East of our country. We are making a great preparation for that program now. The population is great. We believed that more souls would be won and transformed to His Praise and Glory, and that we need to leave the Scriptures in their hands, so that they can grow thereby. We trust that Y'shua will contiune to use you to put His Holy Scriptures in the hands of Nigerian, we are all praying for you and your family, even the countless of people YAH has use you to provide for are also praying for you too, in fact, you are blessed indeed.
Beloved, once again thank you so much and may YAH contiunes to empower you financially and otherwise in Y'shua'Name, Amen. Â Â
My profound regards to your beautiful and darling wife Janet and the kids, we love you all, I am looking forward to the day I will meet with you all face to face, that will be a glorious day in my life.
Love and Peace,
Tom Etinosa.